Preface |
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Risk and consequences of high-mountain lake outbursts in Tajikistan U.R. Pirmamadov, R.A. Bobov, Yu.Kh. Raimbekov, F.O. Marodaseinov, I.I. Zikillobekov, S.S. Chernomorets, E.A. Savernyuk, V.M. Kidyaeva, I.V. Krylenko, I.N. Кrylenko, K.S. Viskhadzhieva |
Tailings dams – facilities of increased debris-flow hazard M.D. Dokukin, E.V. Zaporozhchenko, D.V. Znamensky |
System of the debris flow protection in the Zailiyskiy Alatau range A.R. Medeu, V.P. Blagovechshenskiy, S.U. Ranova, N.E. Kasatkin, M.K. Kasenov, Zh.T. Raymbekova |
Debris flow hazard for the transportation network in the Eastern Siberia and the Russian Far East A.L. Shnyparkov, A.S. Turchaninova, T.I. Khismatullin, S.A. Sokratov |
Debris flow risk for transportation network in the Eastern Siberia and the Russian Far East in the middle of the XXI century A.L. Shnyparkov, A.S. Turchaninova, T.I. Khismatullin, S.A. Sokratov |
Assessments on debris flow distribution, triggering and evolution in the Dolomites area (North-Eastern Italy) P.R. Tecca, R. Genevois, G. Scarso |
Elastic mudflow regulating barrage and methodology for its calculation G.V. Gavardashvili, E.G. Kukhalashvili, Sh.G. Kupreishvili, N.G. Gavardashvili |
Debris flows on September 4, 2017 on the Okhotsk coast of Paramushir Island, Kuril Islands T.A. Kotenko, L.V. Kotenko |
Rockslide dams and catastrophic outburst floods in the river valleys of the Pamir mountains A.L. Strom |
Comprehensive analysis of surface characteristics of debris flow fans in Gilgit-Baltistan and Chitral regions of Pakistan using remote sensing G. Amin, D. Bano, S. Wali, S. Shah |
Litho-structural mapping of debris flow hazard zones of Western Darvaz (Tajikistan and Afghanistan) from Sentinel data using remote sensing techniques J.H. Aminov, A.R. Fazilov, J.H. Aminov, Y. Mamadjanov, M.Z. Kobuliev, J.B. Niyazov |
Badswat glacial lake outburst flood and debris dammed lake: a case study W. Anwar, D. Karim, U. Wahab, K. Din, D.R. Gurung |
Centralized national landslide database for the Kyrgyz Republic: initial steps R. Arnhardt, D. Boon, S. Erokhin, V. Zaginaev, N. Smith, A. Simister, K. Lawrie, M. Krabbendam |
Outcomes of engineering-geological assessment of the debris flow hazard of Surkhdara sub-catchment and adjacent area (Ilyak River valley, Tajikistan) M.M. Azimshoev, R.A. Bobov, Y.S. Lalbekov, Sh.F. Valiev, B.A. Alidodov |
Mapping and modelling of glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF) of Deran glacial lake, Ishkoman Valley, Ghizer District, Pakistan using GIS and remote sensing D. Bano, S. Wali, S. Shah, A. Hussain |
The outburst hazard of the landslide-dammed lakes of the Tien Shan S.A. Erokhin, V.V. Zaginaev |
Trends of outburst hazard for the dynamics of mountain lakes in Kyrgyzstan S.A. Erokhin, V.V. Zaginaev |
Glacier lake outburst flood modeling of Khurdopin glacier lake using HEC-RAS and GIS A. Hussain, N. Nasab, D. Bano, D. Karim, W. Anwar, K. Hussain, N. Uddin |
Debris Flow Pilot Risk Management – a case from Sherqilla in Hindukush Region of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan D. Karim, W. Anwar, G. Amin, Q. Rahim, D.R. Gurung |
Glacier hazard associated with surging glaciers – story of the Shishper Glacier from Hunza, Pakistan D. Karim, I. Karim, W. Anwar, K. Uddin, A. Ali, D.R. Gurung |
Climatic risks and food security in the Khatlon Region of Tajikistan A.S. Kodirov, U.A. Alizoda, A.A. Dorgaev |
Assessment of debris-flow parameters for the 2015 debris flow event in Barsemdara stream valley (Tajikistan) V.A. Kurovskaia, S.S. Chernomorets, T.A. Vinogradova, K.S. Viskhadzhieva, O.N. Mavlonazarov, R.A. Bobov |
Debris flow hazard in case of the outbursts of dammed lakes and reservoirs in Pamir and other mountain regions A.M. Lekhatinov |
Debris flow hazard of glacial lake in Chitral, Pakistan N. Uddin, M. Anjum, S. Uddin, Z. Uddin |
Debris flow mitigation in Chitral Region, Pakistan Z. Uddin, T. Zaman, M. Anjum, S. Uddin, N. Uddin |
Integrated assessment and planning of watershed management in the Rasht valley of the Republic of Tajikistan U.R. Pirmamadov |
Assessment of a potential outburst for Lower Varshedzkul Lake (Pamir, Tajikistan) using bathymetric survey and modeling Y.K. Raimbekov, U.R. Pirmamadov, F.O. Marodaseinov, I.I. Zikillobekov, A.G. Gulomaydarov, S.S. Chernomorets, E.A. Savernyuk, I.V. Krylenko, I.N. Krylenko, V.M. Kidyaeva, V.A. Kurovskaia, K.S. Viskhadzhieva, R.A. Bobov |
Remote sensing and monitoring of debris flow areas in the conditions of climate change (Kamarob, Tajikistan) M.S. Safarov, A.R. Fazilov |
Debris flow risk and vulnerability assessment for the territory of the Khorog town G.V. Shafiev |
Role of vegetation cover for the landscape stabilization in Shashvalon catchment, Nurabad District, Republic of Tajikistan S.Y. Yusupov |
Assessment of debris flows in the Shuraki Kapali River basin (left tributary of the Surkhob River, Tajikistan) and development of risk reduction measures R.G. Zaripov, F.S. Imomnazarov, A.S. Taghoybekov |
Calculation of non-eroding velocities in mountain rivers of Azerbaijan F.S. Akhmedov, F.A. Imanov, E.V. Javadzade |
Neopleistocene debris flows in Gorny Altai G.Ya. Baryshnikov |
Debris flow protection constructions design experience at the transport infrastructure facilities in dumped conditions I.S. Bogdanov |
Underground outbursts of lakes and other debris flow manifestations in rock glaciers M.D. Dokukin, M.Yu. Bekkiev, R.Kh. Kalov, E.A. Savernyuk, S.S. Chernomorets |
Glaciogeomorphological conditions for the Gerkhozhan-Su River debris flow formation (Central Caucasus) M.D. Dokukin, M.Yu. Bekkiev, R.Kh. Kalov, E.A. Savernyuk, S.S. Chernomorets, E.M. Bogachenko |
Application of forestry to protect against debris flows on the Black Sea coast of the West Caucasus L.M. Dzaganiia |
Estimation of ground freezing depth as deterrent factor of debris flow process D.M. Frolov |
Vulnerability of buildings exposed to dynamic flooding S. Fuchs, M. Papathoma-Köhle, M. Keiler |
Debris flow in the North-East of Russia Yu.V. Gensiorovskiy, L.E. Muzychenko, V.A. Lobkina, A.A. Muzychenko, М.V. Mikhalev, Y.A. Stepnova |
Geomorphological consequences and hydrometeorological conditions of extreme flood in the Tsanyk River basin, Sochi region V.N. Golosov, Yu.S. Kuznetsova, N.N. Ivanova, A.S. Tsyplenkov, D.V. Botavin, M.M. Ivanov |
Role of debris flows in the cycle of extremal exogenic processes in the mountains of the Central Caucasus (case study of the Cherek Balkarsky river basin) V.A. Karavaev, A.V. Voskova2, S.S. Seminozhenko3, A.V. Fedin, E.G. Lappo, S.A. Bulanov |
Temporary analysis of change of debris flow activity on the northern slope of the Great Caucasus N.V. Kondratyeva, A.Kh. Adzhiev, V.V. Razumov, A.B. Uzdenova |
Features of debris flow formation in volcanic regions E.V. Lebedeva |
Influence of debris flows on the ecosystem and ecology of Tunkinsky National Park A.M. Lekhatinov, E.B. Lekhatinova, A.D. Dorzhiyev |
Characteristics of debris flows forming in permafrost areas V.A. Lobkina, Yu.V. Gensiorovskiy, M.V. Mikhalev |
Assessment of the influence of space weather on the development of the debris flow process in the Elbrus region to clarify the operational forecasts of debris flows I.V. Malneva, A.A. Cherkesov |
Debris flow distribution within Khabarovsk Krai territory A.A. Muzychenko, Yu.V. Gensiorovskiy, L.E. Muzychenko |
Distribution of natural and man-made debris flows on Sakhalin Island L.E. Muzychenko, A.A. Muzychenko |
Impacts of debris flows on the technosphere according to the database analysis E.G. Petrova |
Effectiveness of debris flow protection measures within the mountain ski cluster of Krasnaya Polyana of Sochi (West Caucasus) K.G. Samarkin-Dzharskiy, E.V. Dzaganiia |
Quantitative assessment of anthropogenic impact for debris flow activation in small catchments of the Aibga Ridge (Krasnaya Polyana village area) S.V. Shvarev, S.V. Kharchenko, V.N. Golosov, M.I. Uspensky |
Use of remote sensing data for medium-scale geoinformation mapping of debris-flow hazard in the Baikal mountain country V.P. Stupin, L.A. Plastinin, B.N. Olzoev |
Ground-based slope stability radar for the discrimination of superficial deformation process and their correlation with environmental triggering factors A. Torres, E. Kanaev |
Abnormal ice situation on the mountain rivers of South-East Kazakhstan as a sign of formation of ice-water flows V.V. Zhdanov |
Remarks on Mariana and Brumadinho tailings dams’ disasters (Minas Gerais, Brazil) D.V. Znamensky |
Author’s Index |
Contents |